Central Linn Elementary School is 88 years old, built in 1936, with an addition constructed in 1976. The parking lot was repaved in 1997, lighting improvements were done in 2005, and seismic upgrades were made to the library in 2020. Total square footage is 65,795.
Central Linn High School is 67 years old, built in 1957. In 1997, the parking lot was repaved and the grandstand was added. Seismic improvements were completed on the gym and cafeteria in 2020. Facilities encompass 63,560 square feet.
The district just completed a facilities assessment, which creates a snapshot of current building conditions, measures deficiencies in building systems, and provides standardized data to inform ODE of current statewide conditions. The assessment does not include information regarding enrollment, facility capacity or curriculum/programs, and does not prioritize projects. The assessment identified specific projects that need to be completed in each facility.
Central Linn Elementary School
Secure main entry, improved security systems; mechanical is operating at or beyond service life; lack of classroom ventilation; kitchen area is not designed for full meal prep; no bathrooms in Kinder/First Grade location; accessibility issues at exterior exit stairs; excess water in crawl space/drainage; and playground drainage.
Central Linn High School
Visual supervision is difficult with building layout; no interior hallways connecting classrooms; no lobby security; spray on roof system is difficult to repair and slippery; original single pane/non-thermal windows; asbestos flooring; restrooms need accessibility upgrades; mechanical equipment, electrical and water/sanitation pipes has exceeded useful life; classroom ventilation; original materials and surfaces are worn and tired looking.
Athletic Facilities
While the gymnasium is the highlight of the school, there is a need to upgrade the cafetorium which is cramped, with poor airflow during performances; locker rooms are not functional; sound systems in the gym and stadium need to be upgraded; lack of a referee room; poor restroom locations; gym is a constant walkthrough location which is disruptive to class time and tracks in mud from outside; no high school soccer field located on campus and the lack of a junior high soccer field.
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