The district has formed a Community Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) of 20 volunteer community members. The CBAC’s charge is to recommend to the School Board a potential bond package that could be submitted to voters. As part of their work the committee reviewed facility needs identified in the district’s facilities assessment; considered options for financing a potential bond, including amount of bond and length of payback period; developed a timeline and long-term plan for addressing capital improvement projects relating to facilities needs; and considered community feedback in creating the draft recommendations.
The CBAC has been meeting once a month since January 2024. The CBAC will make a draft recommendation to the School Board with initial bond proposals on September 9, 2024. This draft recommendation will then be circulated throughout the community for feedback and input. In December, the CBAC will review community feedback and then make their final recommendation to the School Board.
CBAC Members are: Chad Schrock, Jerry Lachenbruch, Will Rodenhuis, Glenda Seiders, Jen Duringer, Sue Frasier, Steve Carothers, Sarah Curtis, Reed Anderson, Lauri Archer, Randy Raschein, Johnna Neal, Jo Lyne Walton, Wendi Farris, Garrett Leabo, and the American Legion.
The district is actively seeking community feedback on the draft proposal options right now. You can review the proposals and then share your feedback through a survey. CBAC members are a resource for community questions about the process.
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