Friday Enrichment

Friday Enrichment
Who: Students in Kindergarten through 6th grade, including Home Schooled students. STUDENTS MUST BE REGISTERED TO ATTEND!
What: Fun and Enriching Classes unique to our Central Linn Community. Each Session will have 5 Fridays that follow the same schedule as CLES Friday School.
Where: Central Linn Elementary School
When: 12:30-2:30 pm September 15th, 22nd, 29th, October 6th and 20th.THIS IS NOT EVERY FRIDAY, PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS.
Cost: $15 each student for the entire session. Scholarships Available, see Contact below. Please make checks payable to CLSD.
Registration: Complete the registration forms included in this flier and return with payment to CLES office (8am-4pm) by September 13 before 3:20pm. We need time to get enrollment to teachers and supplies for our classes. Registrations received after this date will have to start the next available Friday, if space is available. No exceptions.
Details: Transportation provided by CLSD buses. Check the schedule attached to see the closest bus stop to you as it IS NOT THE REGULAR BUS SCHEDULE. If your child is attending Friday School they will be served free lunch at 12 before Friday Enrichment. If they are coming just for Friday Enrichment then they will come after lunch. Students that are dropped off by parents should come at 12:30. Students can be picked up at 2:30 or they can ride the bus home. Please make sure to fill in the bus stop they will be going home to, DO NOT JUST PUT YOUR ADDRESS. We encourage students to participate in both Friday School and Friday Enrichment.
Mentoring Opportunity for 6th grade students! If your student is in 6th grade and would prefer being a mentor, helping a teacher with a younger class, they will need to read and sign the form explaining the responsibilities and expectations and parents fill out registration.
Contact: Chandra Evans at 541-619-2015 or email at Please circle “scholarship request” if requesting a scholarship.