Graduation Requirements
Total Credits Required (24 total):
- English: 4 credits
- Math: 3 credits
- Science: 3 credits
- Social Studies: 3 credits
- Health: 1 credit
- PE: 1 credit
- Career Technical Ed, The Arts, or Second Language: 2.5 credits
- Career Education: .5 credits
- Electives: 6 credits
Essential Skills
- Comprehend what is read
- Write clearly
- Apply math
Essential Skills can be met by:
- Passing Essential Skills work samples in language arts courses (writing & reading) and math courses
- Passing state math and English tests
- PSAT reading test of 44 or better and math test score of 45 or better
- ACT scores of 18 in reading, 19 in writing, and 19 in math or better
- SAT scores of 440 in reading, 460 in writing, and 450 in math or better
- Work Key scores of 5 or better in reading and math
Other Graduation Requirements
2019-20 Graduates
- Develop an education plan profile (PEP)
- Complete an extended application (essay completed in English or writing course during senior year in high school)
- Visit three post-high school educational institutions and write a summary for each visit. Institutions include training centers, colleges, and technical schools
- Complete one job shadow and write a summary of the experience
- Complete two interviews at the Linn County Job Fair
- Document 50 hours of community service
2020 Graduates and Beyond
- Develop an education plan profile (PEP)
- Complete an extended application (essay completed in English or writing course during senior year in high school)
- Visit three post-high school educational institutions and write a summary for each visit. Institutions include training centers, colleges, and technical schools
- Complete two job shadows and write a summary of the experience
- Complete two interviews at the Linn County Job Fair
- Document 50 hours of community service
- Take ACT, preferably during 11th Grade
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and safety protocols the information may not be applicable or accurate currently. Please contact Ms. Harte with any questions you may have regarding this information.